The weekend of the first week of march my family took me with them to the beach house of their friends.
After an 2 hour ride to Asia which is outside of Lima we finally arrived at a beautiful park with a lot of beach houses, a pool aand an wonderful
We spent the whole two days swimming and bronzing under the hot sun of Peru. Of course I got sunburned but also drove a jet ski in the middle of the ocan. I will
never forget this amazing weekend and how much I love my host family 💗
From the 12 of march until the 17 of march we started our trip to Iquitos.
Starting the day it is my birthday! I'm finally 17 and have to stand up at 4 am to get our flight 😅
Arriving at the airport all of my friends wish me a Happy Birthday and I can finally eat my breakfast with coffee😍 Landing in Iquitos my dad tries to call me which
I was super happy and surprised about but sadly our internet starts failing and going away for the rest of our time there ....
Then followed a 3 hour boat ride until we arrive at the community we're gonna help. From there already getting eaten alive from the bugs we arrive at the hotel
after an hour.
In the hotel we eat an delicious lunch and get our rooms which i shared with one of my really near and good friends, Kate❤
Our first activity is a walk through the dschungle that surrounds the hotel. We enter and like it is at the amazonas it starts raining😅 soaking wet and cold we get
back to the hotel after finishing our walk 😦
There we change into warm and dry clothes and waiting in our beautiful hotel rooms until dinner.
Before dinner I wanted to take a photo with the parrot of the hotel which bites me in the hand to give me aan awesome point to tell about my birthday 😂 After
dinner the personal comes in with a biig cake that they baked extra for my birthday which I was super happy and thankful about it. We finish the cake in minutes and go to bed full and
The next to days we spent the mornings working in the community and the evenings with activities in the dschungle to get to know it better.
On our last day we went to see the pink dolphins and fish piranhas🐬 also we visit another community which lets us take photos with their sloths and monkeys and
then go back to the airport where we take our flight home.
Arriving home I was happy about my not completely hot bedroom without mosquitoes that eat my legs. Goodnight😴